最先端研究開発支援プログラム フォトニクス・エレクトロニクス融合システム基盤技術開発 平成22年度~26年度


Project Organization

The Core Researcher is Professor Yasuhiko Arakawa, who heads the project. The researchers join PECST from three groups, representing Industry, Academia and Government, where PETRA represents industries, University of Tokyo represents a group of universities, and AIST represents national laboratories. Those researchers cross organizational boundaries to further research into each topic, utilizing the strengths of these different backgrounds.

Core Researcher & Support Organization

Core Researcher Yasuhiko Arakawa, professor, The University of Tokyo
Co-core Researcher Kazumi Wada, professor, The University of Tokyo
Takahiro Nakamura, Chief Research Manager, PETRA
Core Support Organization PETRA (Photonics Electronics Technology Research Association)
Support Organizations The University of Tokyo
AIST (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology)
Last updated at 2015/06/24
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