最先端研究開発支援プログラム フォトニクス・エレクトロニクス融合システム基盤技術開発 平成22年度~26年度


Research Members

Core Researcher
Yasuhiko Arakawa Professor,
Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo
Co-Core Researchers
Kazumi Wada Professor, Dept. of Material Engineering,
Graduate School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo
Takahiro Nakamura Chief Research Director, PETRA [NEC]
Key Researchers
Susumu Noda Professor, Dept. of Electronic Science and Engineering, Kyoto University
Toshihiko Baba Professor, Yokohama National University
Satoshi Iwamoto Associate Professor, Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo
Nobuhiko Nishiyama Associate Professor, Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology
Masahiko Mori Deputy Director, Photonics Research Institute, AIST
Tsuyoshi Horikawa Research Team Leader, Nanoelectronics Research Institute, AIST
Masashige Ishizaka Principal Researcher, PETRA [NEC]
Tatemi Ido Principal Researcher, PETRA [Hitachi]
Tatsuya Usuki Principal Researcher, PETRA [Fujitsu]
Yutaka Urino Principal Researcher, PETRA [NEC]
Jun-ichi Fujikata Principal Researcher, PETRA [NEC]
Koji Yamada Principal Researcher, PETRA [NTT]
Suguru Akiyama Principal Researcher, PETRA [Fujitsu]
Nobuaki Hatori Principal Researcher, PETRA [Fujitsu]
Makoto Miura Principal Researcher, PETRA [Hitachi]
Hiroki Yaegashi Principal Researcher, PETRA [OKI]
G. Abstreiter Professor, Institute for Advanced Study, Technische Universität München
J. Bowers Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering, UC at Santa Barbara

※PETRA: Photonics Electronics Technology Research Association

Last updated at 2015/06/24
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