Abstract Submission

Prospective authors must submit a one-page camera-ready abstract, including figure and references. Only pdf-file format is acceptable. The deadline for abstract submission is October 6, 2012 October 13, 2012.

STEP 1: Prepare your abstract

We strongly encourage that all submissions must be prepared using the following template with Microsoft Word format. Please make your abstract according to the formatting instructions in the template.
[Download template]

STEP 2: Obtain your ID number

Please input contact author's information on and obtain your ID number from [here]. You will need the ID number to input/modify the contact information and your program information.

STEP 3: Input required information

Please fill in your program information through the [login page].

STEP 4: Send your abstract

Please send your abstract to the following address by e-mail:
with subject "abstract-(ID number)".
e.g. abstract-07, abstract-25
(Please use the mail address replacing [at] with @.)
* Only pdf-file format is acceptable.

Announcement for overseas students and young researchers

ISPEC will support some portion of travel expense for SELECTED students or young researchers. If you would like to apply, see the detail.

Last updated at 2015/06/24
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